Friday, 13 April 2012

Xbox Live Membership Codes[Takes10Secs]

First off, go to this link: Website

Scroll down, and click on the red arrow:

Once you've done that, click on the white XBOX LIVE symbol on the next page:

[Image: 9d72f5.png]

It will now log you into your Windows Live ID. And once you're logged in, you will see two codes.
[Image: 2b65c3.png]

The first one is the 48h trial, the second one is useless for American and European accounts.

It should look like this:

Please note:
As far as I know, the codes only work for SILVER accounts. Don't even bother trying to redeem them on a gold account as it won't work.
Here is some proof:
[Image: f09383.png]



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