Friday, 30 March 2012

Hi there fellow members.
I decided to give-away an important tool that we all need.
I'm going to release 40+ some private crypter sources!

  • Added 10 more sources.
  • Added 4 C++ Sources. (Making a total of 45 sources)
  • Added coding language info.

But first of all, as always, there will be RULES.

You MUST read them first.


- Don't change the GUI and claim you made it.
- If you're thinking on trying to make your own crypter you may take bits from the codes, but if you do so you'll never become a coder, therefore the crypter wasn't "coded" by you;
- If you think on creating a crypter, be sure to credit the original coders.
- DO NOTdownload and not post after/before.

Now back to bussiness.

Now the links.
Note that I'm not responsible for w/e you do with the sources posted bellow, they are ment for learning only porpuses.

They aren't by order of awesomness nor alphabetical.
(I think most of them are public, but never know).

[Image: sources.png]

1st. ShadeHacK. VB6
Mediafire link

2nd. Snoopy_Downloader.
Mediafire link

3rd. Source CS 1. VB6
Mediafire link

4th. SpyNet Unpacked.
Mediafire link

[color=#00BFFF][b]5th. Source Undetector 2.52.
Mediafire link

6th. SU v1.1. VB6
Mediafire link

7th. Super Stealer. VB6
Mediafire link

8th. TCrypter. VB6
Mediafire link

9th. White-Crypt. VB6
Mediafire link

10th. Oikjn Crypter Source. VB6
Mediafire link

11th. OhShin.
Mediafire link

Mediafire link

13th. MyCrypt3r VB6]
Mediafire link

14th. MiniCrypt.
Mediafire link

15th. James's Crypter 2.
Mediafire link

16th. Infinity.
Mediafire link

17th. Indetectables Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

18th. Hao Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

19th. spam Crypter V .4. VB6
Mediafire link

20th. Goku Simple Crypter 0.5. VB6
Mediafire link

21st. GioCrypter. VB6
Mediafire link

22nd. FuKrypt_4. VB6
Mediafire link

23rd. FlyBy Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

24th. FireCrypter.
Mediafire link

25th. Crypter Very. VB6
Mediafire link

26th. BIODOX. VB6
Mediafire link

27th. P-Obfuscator. VB6
Mediafire link

28th. Polifemo Ebrio Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

29th. Incrypter Private Source. VB6
Mediafire link

30th. SkuLLByte Crypt [SRC][VB]. VB6
Mediafire link

31st. LC Down.
Mediafire link

32nd. Coding Nation Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

33rd. Carbon Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

34th. Fly Crypter v2d + USG 0.3. VB6
Mediafire link

35th. Op3nSrc CrYpt3r. VB6
Mediafire link

36th. RunTime Crypter skyweb007. VB6
Mediafire link

37th. ProCrypter - Stubgen. VB6
Mediafire link

38th. Shadow Crypter Private Version. VB6
Mediafire link

39th. PrjCone BETA. VB6
Mediafire link

40th. Mudkip. VB6
Mediafire link

41st. Extra-Element Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

42nd. =8-D Crypter. C++
Mediafire link

43rd. Cryptic3. C++
Mediafire link

44th. (Doesn't Have a Name) Doesn't use PE, and I think it's unfinished. C++
Mediafire link

45th. uNKrypt0. C++
Mediafire link

Hope you enjoy this.

#1 Rule, DON'T claim the source is yours.

Also, I'm not responsible for w/e you do with this sources. And I'm not responsible if any of those sources contains an infected file. So don't run anything. Just open the sources.

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