Today I will show you how you can upload a webshell to a website after
you have successfully found your way into the admin panel. IN this
example I will use a site I hosed the other day through use of double
query SQL injection. I will start with the end of my SQLi session and
dive into working to upload a shell through the admin panel. Please hold
your questions till the end ;)
Ok so you found a vulnerable site and or somehow have managed to come across the admin credentials.
Uh oh, it is encrypted MD5! It's OK, we do quick check with the big
online databases to save time and if we don’t find it there then we
follow my other tutorial on how to use Hashcat tools to crack it
ourselves (My Cracking
TuT4, &
TuT5). Lucky for us our Admin choose poor strength password which was easily found online with a quick check:
OK, so now we have admin credentials. We use our favorite admin finder
if we have not already, cross our fingers, and hope we find one that
will work with the credentials we found.
You can use online admin finder here:
(I also suggest you try out user Join7's release as it is also very good)
Once you make your way into the actual admin panel it is wise to take a
look around to see what all you have access to. If you just want to
leave your mark you may be able to quickly edit HTML on pages or inject a
hidden iframe or an effective stored XSS of some kind (pop-up or
redirect), but for this tutorial we will be focusing on how we can get a
web-shell on the site, something like c99, GNY, etc. We will have much
more flexibility with a full featured web-shell. OK, so you will want to
look around and see what you can do as admin, maybe quickly add a new
user with some rights in case the real admin changes their password.
Then start looking for ways to upload things, doesn't really matter what
it is for now - typically you can find areas to add news, products,
images, movies, etc. We will leverage one of these upload fields to
inject our shell instead and gain better access to our target site. In
some cases you will find you can simply upload your shell with no
problems, so always check if it will take “shell.php” first. In most
cases it won't, if it does then there is no reason to continue reading
as you’re in . If it doesn't then things get interesting as we need to
now find a way to manipulate our upload so it bypasses any file
restrictions. How can we do this you say? By controlling our request we
send in more detail. We will use Live HTTP Headers add-on for Firefox in
this example, you could also use Burp Suite, or Tamper Data add-on
(others exist too but these are main options I know). We will use these
tools which allow us to manipulate more aspects of the actual HTTP
request we send when we hit the actual upload button. We first will
upload our file as “shell.php”.
We typically will get an error indicating we can’t upload PHP files, and
if we are lucky it will tell us what kind of files are acceptable. OK,
let us try to fool it into thinking it is something else that is on the
acceptable list. We can play wile file naming conventions or through the
addition of NULL bytes (). They both are effective and you really
have to play with both options until you find something which works,
here are a few common methods I use which you can easily expand upon:
You get the idea. The point is that the “.xxx” file ending is what gets
read during check and when server scans hopefully the null byte ()
causes it to stop reading the rest making it stop at “.php”. If this
doesn't work or you shell is getting messed up when it is uploaded then
we will use Live HTTP Headers to modify the request on the fly and in
addition to faking out the file type we will straight change the file
type in the request we send. Start Live HTTP Headers and make sure it is
setup to capture requests (small check box at bottom):
Then you first submit the one that works to simply work and get the
request formatting saved. Then replay the request so that a new window
pops up and then modify the text in the request to remove the
fake.fake-file-ending part so all that is left is “shell.php”.
NOTE: you probably need to
scroll to the top and choose the first one since we started it only to
capture the submission this should be the first request
When you hit replay it pulls up the original request to modify before
sending. Find the part for the filename (use FIND to make it quick).
Change the file name so all that is left is “shell.php” and then hit
replay again. It will submit through browser and you should now be done.
Now find the file by right clicking or whatever means necessary and open in new browser tab.
Voila shell properly uploaded and working – Game Over, you win!
If you have problems finding your shell, here are a few helpful hints to finding it:
1 – Right click uploaded image on site and check its location. See if
directory indexing is turned off, if it is not then you can easily see
what all is in the folder until you find your shell. You might have to
try a few images or locations on the site, just try to use other items
from the same category your uploading to and think logically about it.
2 – If you can’t find it then I suggest scanning the site with a
web-scanner like Accunetix, W3af, or something else you like better to
see if it can find it (infrastructure scanning, or if you require
password for shell check for auth files, or backdoors, etc)
3 – If you absolutely still can’t find it, you can try Google search to
help find your shell. Use dorks and text from your shell or file name to
try and find it on site.
Remember you won’t always get admin access and you can’t shell every
site, but here is one more trick to add to your bag to increase your
chances. If you’re a coder, then this is one more reason to check your
uploads as you won’t always get what you expect coming through, don’t
expect every user to be nice and use the system as intended as this
method can be used against any upload form, not just admin panels. I
hope you have enjoyed this brief tutorial. If any questions, comments,
or suggestions please post here or let me know.